Design Does was a project that explored, in a collective way, how design tackled the challenges faced by society, sometimes offering improvements and, other times, doing exactly the opposite. Conceived to transcend the limits of time, space and conventional formats, this project dug into the responsibility that lies within design and its positive and negative impact on industry, people, social systems and cultural values. It didn’t want to praise Design as the ultimate salvation; its goal was to understand how it configures our day to day lives.

The project had four main channels: an exhibition, opened at the Design Museum of Barcelona and currently touring through different museums around the world, a series of talks and workshops, a forum with international experts and a book extending the topic and written by 28 professionals of the Design world.

A collective exploration on how design tackles social challenges
We conceived the exhibition as a dynamic interaction and experimentation space that promoted dialogue with visitors. It was articulated through 15 questions linked to current and future challenges such as sustainability, connectivity, consumerism, innovation, new materials and disadvantaged groups.

It was through this system of real-time data collection and display that visitors could interact with the items, ending up with a collective real time data visualisation of the visitors’ opinions.

Design Does
Who do you think knows more about, your family or facebook?
Number of answers: